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App Design: What is it and why is it so important?

It’s clear that apps have brought a new business model to the world, which is also quite profitable. But did you know that app design makes all the difference when it comes to winning over customers and getting ahead in the market?

In this context, it is also quite common for there to be great competitiveness among the developers of this tool.

As a broad product, applications need to be efficient, but that is not the only factor for their success. Nowadays, design is a fundamental part of application development, facilitating functionality and being a reference point for the growth of this tool. Find out!

Application Design: What is it?

App design is the creation of interfaces that meet user expectations regarding interactions and experiences within mobile applications. Using UI/UX techniques, the Designer develops solutions that make using your app easy and intuitive.

This means that it goes far beyond a beautiful and pleasant visual. The mobile design of applications associates information architecture, uses usability standards and applies your brand’s visual identity. To give you an idea, even colors can influence your App.

Mobile apps need to take into account the knowledge that consumers already have. This way, you can create an app that truly appeals to your target audience.

Read more: Color psychology: how does it affect your application?

App Design: Why is it so important?

Anyone who thinks that design switzerland phone number data quality is only related to the set of buttons, colors and screens it presents is mistaken; it goes much further than that. As we said, usability counts for many points.

Therefore, it is important to understand why app design is so important, since this is often what ends up making an app successful. This is a factor that developers need to take very seriously, especially if they want to have a good reputation in the market.

We have listed five reasons that are important for the design of mobile applications. Read on:

Your app needs to look attractive

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The look of your app also needs to be competitive, after all, it helps attract more customers. Some websites offer a semi-ready design for free, but there is no comparison to a project done by a professional.

Furthermore, a poorly designed project and low-quality design can result in a loss of time, investment and even customers for the company.

Imagine the Uber app. It is very how to create a new account at hostinger ntuitive when it comes to the current address and destination, prices, driver’s name, etc. Imagine if it were complex, with confusing information and a poor design? It probably wouldn’t be as successful as it is today, right?

Have your own environment

There is a common mistake that ends up killing the entire project, as companies, in some cases, try bw lists to save money on the development of the app and end up reproducing the layout of their website within it.

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