Home » A trick we are applying on Amazon to increase sales of a product

A trick we are applying on Amazon to increase sales of a product

It is through spending a good amount of time that you improve what you do and discover things that others may not have discovered yet. Today I am going to share with you a little trick that we are applying in our day to day life at Amazon. It is something recent so even after seven years you discover new things. This “hack” is not going to be read by many people so if you are reading these lines you will already know something more than most people.

Promote a new product by doing this

What we do is the following. We like to create variations of a product for a simple reason. The customer who buys a product is likely to buy another one as well (as long as they are related). Products that have variations and are already phone number library generating sales have the advantage that they have visibility. If you do not invest a considerable amount in Amazon Ads this is not the case for new products. What do you do in such a case? You give visibility to a new product by adding it within an existing variation. This can give you very good results.


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Increase the ratings of several products at once

The same trick has another great effect. The ratings of a product, or rather the set of its variations, are also applied to the new product once it is listed how to create an app in three simple steps as an additional variation.

This is something we have recently done. We have put together several listings for a similar product (Pokémon card packs) and put them all together. In this way we have achieved the following.

The existing ratings of the individual

Products have been put together. Whereas there were vietnam data previously three products and each had three ratings, now they all have nine.
Then there was another effect. We have a potential best-seller but we have received negative ratings that have brought the average down below four stars. By combining them with the other ratings we have managed to raise the average again to above four.

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