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B2B Business is Now on Linkedin

We know that platforms like Facebook and Instagram are attractive and constantly moving if you are in the cosmetics or fashion industry. But for B2B or industrial businesses, their audiences tend not to be on those platforms, but rather on Linkin. 

Linkin has long ceas to be a platform for networking. Today it can be a space to promote your B2B and generate qualifi leads that can become clients. In fact, 80 percent of the leads that B2B businesses get come from platforms like Linkin, according to the latest study carri out by the social network.

But the question you should ask yourself


How to connect with your target and boost your sales? The answer can appear with an effective B2B Digital Marketing strategy.

A digital strategy must be comprehensive. The reason for this statement is relevance. Search engines and social networks protect the spain phone number library relevance of their content and part of their algorithm is to identify the channels where content is publish and the meaning of it. 



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Context is important for positioning your business


What does it take to sell more? The answer to this is personalization, both in the construction of the message and content, and in the they also need a solution that allows mium to communicate it. 


This is why Linkin is taking on great importance today, as it is immers in the core of business. Today it is a space for community and business. In this way, we could say that Linkin is a business center, however, not everyone manages to detect and take advantage of the opportunities that arise. To avoid this error, you must create a strategy to search for opportunities: capture interest, follow up and close it. 


One of the techniques us is Social


Selling, a social mia sales technique that is constantly growing. To take it to its maximum potential, it must be creat by experts who support cz leads you with knowlge, tactical strategy and technology. With Social Selling you can differentiate yourself from your competition.  

To elaborate on this, at Eglobal One we practice the philosophy of “if you do the same thing as everyone else, you will have the same result as them or an average result. However, if you do things differently, innovate, you will have different results.” 

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