Taiwan Data


  • How a story sells quality Czech dishes

    We interviewed Jan Fabini, CEO of Fabini, a company that produces high-quality, timeless tableware. How does the popular e-shop deepen its relationship with customers, what content works for the company on social networks, and what is the monthly marketing budget?

    You’re no stranger to the world of e-commerce, what about online sales of Fabini products? Do those who love cooking buy online, or do most of your sales go through brick-and-mortar stores?

    It is crucial for our brand that we sell only D2C, i.e. directly to customers. We do not have any resellers and at the moment it is only possible to buy our products on our e-shop. However, we may also see a brick-and-mortar store in the future.

    Who does your marketing – an agency or do you have an in-house team?

    We use both. We have an in-house marketing team, and  malta phone number data we use external people to help us with specialized areas like PPC or PR. They are not agencies, but freelancers with whom we work so closely that we essentially consider them members of the team.

    Do you focus on organic content, or do you rather invest in performance advertising?

    Our communication is based on quality content, we try to provide customers and not only them with practical advice and tips, such as here . This works very well for us, people see that we understand what we do, that we do not communicate just to sell something. At the same time, we continuously invest in performance advertising, which is an absolutely essential part of our marketing mix. When you want to grow quickly, you probably can’t do without it.

    What kind of content works best for you on social media?

    Are you also trying Reels, live videos, etc.?

    Social media content is a very current topic for us and e-commerce shipping : problems and solutions  we generally see content creation as key. However, we still have a lot of work to do ourselves, for example in relation to the aforementioned videos and Reels.

    Can you tell us what your monthly marketing budget is and how many times it is returned in sales?

    Our marketing budget is around 200 thousand per month and the PNO is just over 20%.

    In addition to PPC, what other formats do you invest in?

    We have created a fairly classic marketing mix that works well for us. In addition to PPC and social networks, we also invest in cooperation with influencers and PR, especially media relations.

    You offer bonus content via email to customers who have purchased dishes from you. They learn about the production of dishes, how to care for them, and other tips. We think this is a great step to keep customers in a non-violent way. How large is your customer database and how do you work with them – apart from sending content – ​​do you have a cross-sell campaign set up, for example?

    We have approximately 5000 contacts in the database. We have achieved this number also because in exchange for a contact we offer a free e-book about cookware for download. I myself write an article for the blog every 14 days, which I send in the newsletter.

    I think the key to a newsletter is communication with the community. We’re not trying to sell, we’re trying to deepen relationships with our audience.

    We don’t have a cross-sell campaign yet, but we plan to work intensively on the database and e-mailing in the coming months.

    Do you use Mailchimp, why did you choose it?

    As a user, Mailchimp suited me the most, it has a  hong kong data wonderfully intuitive environment and the free version is free. I also appreciate the sophisticated analytics.

    Have you had any issues with the tool? Are you satisfied with Mailchimp’s customer support?

    We haven’t solved any problems, so we have no experience with customer support.

    How do you segment your contacts? Is Mailchimp a good fit for you in this area?

    We do not segment our contacts in any way.

    What advanced features do you use – for example, as part of connecting to an e-shop or advanced segmentation?

    We are using the Standard plan and haven’t tried any advanced features yet, the only thing I can think of is that we use Mailchimp to automatically send order receipts as part of the Shopify integration.

    What campaigns have been most successful for you?

    A great community is forming around our brand, customers are loyal to us and happy to come back to us. That’s why any new product is always a great success, currently, for example, the pre-sale for the new Lucca collection .

    Campaigns with added information value are also very successful.

  • Marketing conferences this fall and winter

    Autumn is in full swing, and that’s why more marketing conferences are coming after the holiday break. As usual, we’ve put together a list of the most interesting ones for you. Some are taking place online, but some are already offline. We’ll keep our fingers crossed that the situation continues to improve so that conferences can really take place in the old familiar face-to-face format. Which one are you not going to miss? Let us know in the comments.

    Brand Management 2021

    Have you heard of Brand Management 2021 ? This latvia phone number data  is the 22nd year of the largest Czech brand conference, where you will learn a lot of information not only about brand creation, but also about how to properly kick-start marketing. Therefore, show everyone that it is worth investing in brands, products and services at this time. Every year, thanks to this event, you will get to know the personalities of global marketing. Key speakers include marketer Dan White , Marek Dvořák for Alza or Martin Mrva for Dedoles .

    When : October 13, 2021

    Where : Cubex Center, Na Strži 2097/63, Prague 4 – Pankrác

    Customer 2030
    This year marks the 5th year of this great conference , which aims to show how to change together with customers . The theme of the conference is clear, because the world changed completely last March and we changed with it. Digitalization is now moving the whole world and established and proven practices no longer apply, so we need to adapt. You can look forward to a number of great speakers working in various fields, all of whom have a common theme: let’s learn from the crisis and get the most out of the future.

    When: October 13, 2021

    Where: Comfort Hotel, Prague

    Marketing meeting
    An increasingly large part of marketing is directed towards video  how to create a corporate email? and video advertising. That’s why Tuesday has prepared a conference for you, where we will look at video marketing and its influence on building and strengthening a brand. You can expect a whole day full of great speakers, such as Vilém Franěk from Mall.cz , Robin Růžička from GET BOOST MEDIA or lawyer Andrea Pavelcová , whom you may know from the fitness industry. We also sent our representative from Včeliště – Josef Řezníček will show you how to make your videos more visible in search results .

    When : November 2, 2021

    Where : Online from the comfort of your workspaces, offices and living rooms

    Another interesting event is WebTop100 , which offers the best of digital marketing under one roof. More precisely, it is the ceremonial announcement of the WebTop100 competition , where you can look forward to the presentation of the best projects of the years and the performances of speakers, all on one stage. Among the speakers at this great conference you will find, for example, Lukáš Havlásek , who has been working in e-commerce at Notin for a long time , as well as Andrea Hurychová , who was the director of the first year of Utubering and currently heads the WeDigital agency , and last but not least, you can look forward to Ján Kešelák from Glami .

    When : November 16, 2021

    Where: City Conference Center, Na Strži 1702/65, Prague 4 – Pankrác

    Marketing ON
    This is followed by a meeting of marketing enthusiasts and  hong kong data other supporters of the field of Marketing ON . This is the 8th year under the auspices of the digital agency Advisio .

    When: November 25, 2021

    Where: Garage Club, Ostrava

    SEO Restart
    Are you interested in SEO and everything around it? Then this is the event for you – it is a conference about searching and finding SEO Restart . In the October live stream, you can look forward to the founder of Reknih – Tadeáš Kula.

    We’re keeping our fingers crossed for the organizers that everything goes as planned. It’s high time to get some new marketing inspiration for 2022. Do you know of a conference that you didn’t find on the

  • What’s behind the success of a second-hand book startup

    Do you have a heart for books, minimalism, and marketing? Then mark your calendar today for October 20th at 6:00 PM so you don’t miss out on October’s online Kafe a Marketing. Its guest will be one of the youngest entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic, bookworm and founder of Reknih Tadeáš Kula.

    Book and Overlap Business

    We will ask…
    What marketing strategies work for Reknihám?
    Which advertising campaigns were (not) successful and  jamaica phone number data with what results?
    Who is Reknih’s target audience and what does this mean for their marketing?
    How does he view his competition?
    Who makes up the Reknih marketing team?
    What role does investor support play and what are Reknihy’s goals for the future?
    >You also have room for questions.
    >If you have any questions about Tadeáš and his Reknihy, please write to the event moderator Josef Řezníček in advance at [email protected] , or feel free to ask them at any time during the broadcast in the form of comments . They will be answered in the second, discussion part of Kafe a marketing.

    We look forward to seeing you on October 20th at 6:00 PM.
    Do you already know that you don’t want to miss the event? We will remind you by email. Reserve your virtual front row seat for free.

    I’m coming to Kafe a marketing


    Martina Hudecková
    Martina enjoys great texts: reading them, writing them, and what is spam and how does it affect your company’s marketing?  polishing them to perfection. She can deal with spelling and stylistic intricacies, while maintaining a copywriter’s eye.

    More posts

    How to incorporate artificial intelligence into copywriting
    Artificial intelligence is changing the world, and you’d be hong kong data  hard-pressed to find someone in marketing today who at least…

    >>How to do PPC copywriting that will boost conversions and increase return on investment
    Copywriting is a key part of any successful campaign. However, PPC copywriting is not just about writing texts…

    >>How to increase email deliverability
    In an ideal world, you would send an email to all your potential customers and they would receive it in their main,…

  • Coffee and marketing with Ruslan Skopal

    The guest of the September Kafe a Marketing was Ruslan Skopal , with whom we took a look at the excellently functioning store Trenýrkárna.cz . It has recently expanded its range to include underwear for women and children.

    And what specific topics did we touch on?

    How did the Trenýrkárna come about and where  india phone number data has it gone since its inception?
    Is it more advantageous to do marketing externally or in-house?
    How did Styx become a private label?
    Is radio advertising worth it? There will also be a demonstration!
    They use two categories to finance marketing activities – Branding and Performance. How do they realistically distribute the costs?
    Why did they reject YouTube as one of the communication channels?
    What about expanding abroad? Will the Czech company name be a problem?
    If you’re interested in the details, take your time and watch the recording . Ruslan also answered questions from viewers at the end , such as what keeps their customer support busy the most.

    Listen to the podcast
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    You can download the podcast here.

    Check out past podcast episodes here .

    Podcast links
    Coffee and marketing

    Shorts room

    Listen to the podcast and subscribe to the what is growth marketing and how does it benefit us?  channel on iTunes
    You can find our iTunes channel here , we would be happy if you subscribed.

    You can also find us on Spotify
    If you want to listen to the podcast using Spotify, you can do so here .

    Not only hearing the guest is not enough for you, but you also want to see him? Check out the stream recording. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you in the next episode.

    View Coffee and Marketing

    Lucie Liptakova
    Lucie feels at home in marketing, loves learning new things and exploring the world. Most of the time you can find her with a cup of coffee in a cafe with her dog or with a book in her hand wandering around Prague.

    More posts

    How to incorporate artificial intelligence into copywriting
    Artificial intelligence is changing the world, and hong kong data  you’d be hard-pressed to find someone in marketing today who at least…

    How to do PPC copywriting that will boost conversions and increase return on investment
    Copywriting is a key part of any successful campaign. However, PPC copywriting is not just about writing texts…

    How to increase email deliverability
    In an ideal world, you would send an email to all your potential customers and they would receive it in their main,…

  • Coffee and marketing with Ruslan Skopal about

    The guest of the September Kafe a Marketing was Ruslan Skopal , with whom we took a look at the excellently functioning store Trenýrkárna.cz . It has recently expanded its range to include underwear for women and children.

    And what specific topics did we touch on?

    How did the Trenýrkárna come about and where  greece phone number data has it gone since its inception?
    Is it more advantageous to do marketing externally or in-house?
    How did Styx become a private label?
    Is radio advertising worth it? There will also be a demonstration!
    They use two categories to finance marketing activities – Branding and Performance. How do they realistically distribute the costs?
    Why did they reject YouTube as one of the communication channels?
    What about expanding abroad? Will the Czech company name be a problem?
    If you’re interested in the details, take your time and watch the recording . Ruslan also answered questions from viewers at the end , such as what keeps their customer support busy the most.

    Listen to the podcast
    Audio player


    Use the up/down arrows to increase or decrease the volume level.
    You can download the podcast here.

    Check out past podcast episodes here

    Podcast links
    Coffee and marketing

    Shorts room

    Listen to the podcast and subscribe to tips for defining digital marketing objectives  the channel on iTunes
    You can find our iTunes channel here , we would be happy if you subscribed.

    You can also find us on Spotify
    If you want to listen to the podcast using Spotify, you can do so here .

    Not only hearing the guest is not enough for you, but you also want to see him? Check out the stream recording. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you in the next episode.

    View Coffee and Marketing

    Lucie Liptakova
    Lucie feels at home in marketing, loves learning new  hong kong data things and exploring the world. Most of the time you can find her with a cup of coffee in a cafe with her dog or with a book in her hand wandering around Prague.

    More posts

    How to incorporate artificial intelligence into copywriting
    Artificial intelligence is changing the world, and you’d be hard-pressed to find someone in marketing today who at least…

    How to do PPC copywriting that will boost conversions and increase return on investment
    Copywriting is a key part of any successful campaign. However, PPC copywriting is not just about writing texts…

    How to increase email deliverability
    In an ideal world, you would send an email to all your potential customers and they would receive it in their main,…

  • Build a contact database in WordPress – using plugins

    Building an email database is one of the best things you can do to grow your business. You can build one using your WordPress website without needing to know HTML coding. You can do this with the plugins we’ll look at together.

    What are plugins and what are they used for?

    Plugins are add-on modules that extend the functionality of applications. The plugins we’re looking at today are designed to enhance WordPress. Therefore,  especially when it comes to newsletters . They allow you to connect your website with email marketing services to get the best of both worlds.

    They are designed to help you get more subscribers and grow your email list.
    They integrate with most popular email marketing services and other newsletter plugins.
    They make it easier to collect contacts. Therefore,  for example by sending them directly to the email tool’s database.
    To use these features, you need to have your website estonia phone number data  on the WordPress content management system and use . Therefore, an emailing platform that offers comprehensive services , such as Drip .

    6 best plugins for WordPress
    We’ll start with Thrive Leads because we have the most experience with it, but otherwise we’re not listing the plugins in any particular order.

    Thrive Leads
    Thrive Leads is a WordPress lead generation plugin. “Using Thrive Leads is like having your own list building and conversion expert,” says the official Thrive Themes website. So what makes their product so special? It’s built on four main benefits :

    Perfect design and setup of login forms

    Surgically precise targeting for building a profitable email list
    Advanced A/B testing to increase conversion rates
    Detailed reporting and insights on the most important  7 digital marketing strategies in the automotive industry emailing metrics
    Thrive Leads has perhaps the most types of sign-up forms , ten. They are drag-and-drop responsive and you can configure their execution in quite detail.  Therefore, Everything you create in Thrive Leads is fully compatible with all browsers and looks great on any device. You will also appreciate the seamless integration with your emailing platform.

    Source: thrivethemes.com
    It works with all major email marketing services as well as other popular. Therefore,  WordPress newsletter plugins. So what exactly does OptinMonster do?

    It allows you to create highly customized newsletter subscription forms based on user geolocation, previous website behavior, etc. From full-fledged forms to amazing animations and sound effects.
    It provides the ability to split A/B test your login forms, allowing you to find out which headlines, offers, and layouts will lead to the best conversion rates .
    It offers the creation of an unlimited number of forms for different pages of your website, allowing you to create detailed subscriber segmentation rules .
    It will provide impression and conversion statistics for each form .
    Includes full access to a library of plans, checklists, e-books, guides, webinars, and other educational resources .


    Perfect design setup of login forms

    This plugin allows you to have unlimited subscribers and hong kong data  send an infinite number of emails .  Therefore, It handles everything from subscriptions to list building to email automation.

    Newsletter can send emails directly from your WordPress server. Therefore,  but you can ensure better deliverability by taking . Therefore, advantage of its SMTP integration feature .

    The most interesting features of this plugin:

    templates (responsive to drag-and-drop) for creating interesting. Therefore, newsletters adapted to mobile devices,
    double opt-in login form option to comply with EU anti-spam laws ,
    advanced email tracking statistics to find out accurate and useful results of your emailing,
    easy segmentation for proper targeting of your newsletters.
    However, spam prevention with . Therefore, Newsletter is not as good as with other options.

  • It’s time to prepare for the Black Friday campaign. Will you join in?

    Black Friday is coming. Participation is not mandatory, but it can be a great way to increase brand awareness and sales. The question now for retailers is whether or not to participate in this event. And if so, how to create a truly effective marketing campaign and when to start it.

    To get involved or not? That’s what it’s all about.
    According to market analysis , Black Friday sales have shown significant growth over the past decade, with online sales reaching record highs every year . You can see specific figures for 2023 in the Czech Republic here .

    This year’s Black Friday falls on November 29th, and based on previous years, it’s expected that there will be a full business week of discounts before or after Black Friday. Many retailers are already preparing their campaigns, but others are still deciding whether Black Friday email marketing is worth it .

    We offer you a few pros and cons to consider:

    + Customers are excited and ready to spend. Discounts  czech republic phone number data often entice them so much that they end up spending much more money.

    + Discounts can sway website visitors to buy from you, giving you the chance to turn one-time customers into loyal ones .

    + Existing customers will appreciate your participation in Black Friday, which will ensure their loyalty .

    + Black Friday is also a great opportunity to sell last-minute items and clear out warehouses .

    – Big discounts devalue your work and can even lead to losses, especially if you are a small business.

    – Customers often buy only once thanks to discounts, but then they don’t come back to you.

    – Your offer can easily get lost in the flood of others.

    – Massive customer interest places really high demands on website performance .

    If you’ve decided to go for it, you need to prepare a great email campaign to let people know about your participation. We’ll give you advice on how to do that in the second part of the article, but now we have a tip for those of you who have been convinced by the points against.

    An original way to (not) participate in Black Friday
    If you feel that deep discounts would undervalue your goods and damage the integrity of your brand, solve it like LOOQ Designermode.

    Source: mailpoet.com. “Our clothes are as valuable what is a fan page and how does it help boost your business?  today as they were yesterday and as they will be tomorrow.”
    How to excite customers
    Before you start preparing your Black Friday email marketing campaign, think carefully about your offer.

    What products/services will you offer a discount on?

    How big will the discount be?
    Will you provide gifts or free shipping instead of a discount?
    Will you provide them only on Black Friday, or also in the days before or after?
    To avoid drowning in a sea of ​​competing offers, come up with great sales ideas that will entice customers. Here are a few.

    Flash sales
    Whether it’s an hour or a day, flash sales drive more transactions because they create a sense of urgency . By putting a time limit on your offer, you’re encouraging customers to act immediately. It’s a proven technique for increasing sales and conversions. Overall, they generate a 35% increase in transaction rates.

    Reward for minimum spending
    Encourage customers to spend a certain amount. Motivate them with the promise of a gift. The advantage of this Black Friday strategy is that you can plan and forecast your revenue based on the minimum spend you expect from your customers.

    Product packages
    Bundle items that your customers typically buy  hong kong data together and offer them at a discount. Bundles are attractive for several reasons. They are a good alternative for you to increase seasonal sales, and they can be used as gifts for customers as Christmas approaches.

    Source: socital.com
    How to run an email campaign for Black Friday
    Now that you have a great offer in mind, it’s time to get started on preparing your campaign. To stand out from the crowd, focus on a few areas.

    Right timing
    Give your audience more opportunities to learn about your offer, but don’t overwhelm them . Sending an email every day in the week leading up to Black Friday isn’t a good idea. Start earlier and space out your emails. But don’t start too early, as this will cause customers to delay their purchases unnecessarily.

    The sequence could look like this:

    Email teaser: 14-10 days before Black Friday
    Countdown Email: 7-5 Days Before Black Friday
    Main offer: Black Friday morning
    Don’t plan on keeping track of the right time yourself and having yourself or one of your employees send the emails. Most email marketing tools offer some level of automation , and there are also some great WordPress plugins for automation .

    Fascination at first sight
    To make sure your email doesn’t stand out from the crowd, hone your subject line to perfection . You can use urgency, humor, or ask a question. Another option is to focus on the time limit of the offer or the excitement of big events like Black Friday. Here are a few examples:

    Want to save up to 70%? Black Friday starts in just 10 days
    The countdown to Black Friday begin

  • Coffee and marketing with Kula about a successful

    The guest of the October Kafe a Marketing was Tadeáš Kula , one of the youngest Czech entrepreneurs and founder of the successful Reknihy.cz project . Among other things, Tadeáš told us how Reknihy managed to connect . Therefore, the love of reading with the hot topic of ecology and what is behind the startup’s overall success.

    What specific topics did we discuss together?

    How did Reknihy come about, what is the project about and how does it work?
    What is the target group and where does Reknihy address it?
    What is worth investing time and money into on social media?
    Has influencer marketing proven effective?
    How does Reknihy measure marketing results and  chile phone number data return on investment?
    Is it worth working with a PR agency?
    What changed in the startup with the arrival of investors?
    If you want to learn more about. Therefore,  Reknihy and their marketing, watch the recording of the entire conversation , during which Tadeáš also answered questions from viewers.

    Listen to the podcast
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    Use the up/down arrows to increase or decrease the volume level.
    You can download the podcast here .

    Check out past podcast episodes here

    Podcast links
    Coffee and marketing


    Listen to the podcast and subscribe to the channel on iTunes
    You can find our iTunes channel here , we would be happy if you subscribed.

    You can also find us on Spotify
    If you want to listen to the podcast using Spotify, you can do so here .

    Not only hearing the guest is not enough for you, but you also want to see him? Check out the stream recording. Thank you for your support and we look forward . Therefore, to seeing you in the next episode.

    View Coffee and Marketing

    Lucie Liptakova
    Lucie feels at home in marketing, loves learning new  benefits of digital marketing for smes things and exploring the world. Most of the time you can find her with a cup of coffee in a cafe with her dog or with a book in her hand wandering around Prague.

    More posts

    How to incorporate artificial intelligence into copywriting
    Artificial intelligence is changing the world, and you’d be hard-pressed to find someone in marketing today who at least…

    How to do PPC copywriting that will boost conversions  hong kong data and increase return on investment
    Copywriting is a key part of any successful campaign. However, PPC copywriting is not just about writing texts…

    How to increase email deliverability
    In an ideal world, you would send an email to all your potential customers and they would receive it in their main,…

  • We invite you for coffee with Ondřej Vrabec

    The November Coffee and Marketing will be original and playful – just like the assortment of the e-shop ZahradniZabava.cz , which was founded by Ondřej Vrabec in 2006. We will meet on November 24th at 6:00 PM. Be there! As always, we will be broadcasting online.

    Joy and play in marketing

    That is the motto of the family-owned company STOA, which, under brazil phone number data  the leadership of Ondřej Vrabec, produces and sells outdoor games from jumping bags to garden chess or outdoor Člověče, nezlob se . Does Ondřej, a lover of golf and the smell of wood, see marketing as a game and entertainment? What strategies work for him and how does the fact that it is a family-owned Czech company help him in business?

    How to attract the attention of journalists and get on, for example, the Good Morning program on Czech Television ?
    What methods of promotion does STOA use? Which ones are successful and which ones are not entirely successful?
    Which ones are among the most popular?
    What is the benefit of a blog for an e-shop?
    What about the pricing of quality wooden products?
    Ask Ondřej yourself
    But you, our viewers, also have the opportunity to ask questions. Write them to us either in advance at [email protected] , or directly during the broadcast in the comments on Facebook or YouTube. We will ask them to our guest for you in the discussion part of the show.

    See you on November 24th at 6:00 PM?

    Don’t miss the November Coffee and Marketing in the name  keys to optimize your fanpage of garden fun. Admission is free. And to make sure you don’t miss the event, sign up. We’ll remind you by email.

    Count me in.

    Martina Hudecková
    Martina enjoys great texts: reading them, writing them, and polishing them to perfection. She can deal with spelling and stylistic intricacies, while maintaining a copywriter’s eye.

    More posts

    How to incorporate artificial intelligence into copywriting
    Artificial intelligence is changing the world, and you’d be hong kong data  hard-pressed to find someone in marketing today who at least…

    How to do PPC copywriting that will boost conversions and increase return on investment
    Copywriting is a key part of any successful campaign. However, PPC copywriting is not just about writing texts…

    How to increase email deliverability
    In an ideal world, you would send an email to all your potential customers and they would receive it in their main,…

  • What you should know to have happy and cheerful emails this year

    For most e-commerce sites, the run-up to Christmas means a harvest of conversions and sales, but only if they help to harvest them. That means planting seeds early and nurturing and nurturing the burgeoning interest. That’s exactly how a well-thought-out Christmas email campaign works. And make no mistake, it doesn’t just have to be about offering the right Christmas gifts. Christmas brings opportunity to almost everyone in the online world.

    It’s time for a (pre)Christmas strategy

    First and foremost, you need to think about an effective  belarus phone number data strategy – as with any other campaign. If you sent out a Christmas campaign last year, dust off its results and find out what worked and what didn’t. Focus on important metrics , especially the number of customers the campaign brought you.

    Times and customs change, of course, so when planning your strategy, also ask yourself these questions :

    What has changed significantly since last year’s pre-Christmas period?
    Will the same main “thing” work for us this year?
    If not, what else could impress customers?
    However, some circumstances are unchangeable. What and when to communicate?

    In addition to the above advantages (shopping in peace and digital marketing automation tools  comfort), you will probably want to communicate other benefits to your customers, which you will first think carefully about. Individual mini campaigns will then be developed from this , phased throughout the entire pre-Christmas period. There is no point in sending one e-mail with a wish for a Merry Christmas and an incentive to make comfortable purchases. Make the most of the potential of the Christmas shopping fever. Mini campaigns can therefore include discounts or gifts for early purchases (early November), or, conversely, the possibility of last-minute purchases (just before Christmas Eve).

    Source: mailerlite.com
    The category of “what to communicate” also includes the selection of specific goods.

    Which of your products are suitable as Christmas gifts?
    Will you also offer vouchers?
    >>>>>>Interestingly, last year the average Czech spent 7,000 crowns on gifts , which shows that customers are willing to “spend their money” on Christmas. And as for vouchers, their sales traditionally increase just before Christmas Eve.

    To properly phase your mini campaigns, study statistics on how many people buy gifts and when. Ideally, according to your target group and your email segments. Then, you can come up with topics and sending times accordingly . For example, you can use Black Friday as an incentive to buy Christmas gifts at a discount if you know that your target group buys gifts already in November.</p></p>

    How to create content for Christmas campaigns
    Of course, a Christmas campaign should promote hong kong data  the Christmas atmosphere as much as po


    le . The magic of Christmas can be embedded in any newsletter with the right graphics, even if it doesn’t currently contain gift tips. For many, Christmas time means a time for recapitulation and reflection, and you can take advantage of this. Surprise your subscribers with an overview of last year .

    Remind them of the goods they purchased from you and thank them.
    Inform them how many new products you have added to your range in the past year.
    Brag about how many customers you have made happy.
    Or, conversely, outline your business and sales plans for the new year.

    >>>Source: mailerlite.com
    5 tips for guaranteed successful content for Christmas emailsPractical information – latest order date for timely delivery, customer support extension, etc.

  • Keys to optimize your fanpage

    1 | Be careful when choosing the name

    Look for keywords directly related to your brand name and the business area it is dedicated to.

    Easy-to-remember, simple names will help your audience find you. Also, remember that the first word in your fanpage

    name will be used by search engines to display you in search results.

    Use that keyword as much as possible, at least in the name of the fanpage, its URL and in its description.

    2 | Enter your complete information

    Your business description is essential for those looking for information related to your business.

    Contact numbers, website links, prices, optimize your fanpage opening hours, and information about products and

    services are basic information that users usually look for on a fan page. In addition, having complete information provides credibility.

    In particular, the phone number and address are useful for your page to be indexed by Google and appear in searches.

    The address must be complete (including country, city, optimize your fanpage postal code, state or region, and street) and the phone number must have the country code.

    3 | Customize your URL

    Facebook allows you to replace the identification numbers that united kingdom phone number list are automatically

    assigned to you when you create the fan page. So, tip: use a name that is related to the real name of your company.

    But be careful! You can only do this once, so you must be very how to useaito grow your businesssure of the name you are choosing.

    Doing this not only gives a better image of your fan page to your users and potential customers, but it also makes your page easier to find, benefiting organic traffic.

    4 | Be visually appealing

    Your profile photo and cover photo are the perfect places to showcase a great design. Make sure the visual image is in line

    with your brand, but also catches your target audience ‘s attention and motivates them to click through to your page.

    Remember that, in addition to all these recommendations, it is spam data important that you offer quality content, in line with the audience you want to reach.

    Do you have questions? Contact the Zebra Pack if you want to learn more about content marketing to boost your business. We’ll be happy to help!

  • Benefits of Digital Marketing for SMEs

    Today, digital marketing has positioned itself within the Internet as a necessary tool for companies. Likewise, digital marketing has revolutionized the ways in which a consumer purchases or requests a service. 

    According to data from the Santiago Chamber of Commerce , e-commerce has grown by around 30% in the last five years and there is 90% of consumer power connected to the digital network in the country.

    In this article we explain what an SME is, as well as the strategies and benefits of digital marketing that you can develop for an SME. 

    We invite you to continue reading!

    Digital marketing for SMEs

    With the rise of e-commerce , it has become necessary for SMEs to innovate in the digital area and offer their services through the Internet. In this way, digital marketing becomes a necessary tool for this purpose. 

    Through digital and social media strategies, SMEs have joined this tunisia phone number list paradigm shift, positioning themselves in the world of the Internet and attracting new customers through their brand and identity. 

    Digital marketing strategies for SMEs

    There are different strategies that an SME can develop for its business on the Internet. Some of them are:

    • Social media  strategy : Refers to strategies implemented for social media. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram or even Tiktok, the idea is to position your SME and attract new customers. 
    • Content strategy : It is one of the most efficient ways to exist on the Internet. Creating a website allows you to professionally establish a presence for your SME. 
    • SEO  Strategy : The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy will allow you to achieve organic positioning in Google search engines.
    • SEM strategy : In the case of the SEM (Search Engine Marketing) strategy, create an e-shop quickly and easily with zoho commerce you can appear in the top positions on Google through paid ads.
    •  Email Marketing Strategy: Email marketing is a strategy
    • gia that seeks to send emails to specific and potential customers, spam data offering products or services in a direct and personalized manner.

    Benefits of Digital Marketing for SMEs

    Digital Marketing Online channels offered by digital marketing are the most effective tool that SMEs have to increase their sales. This tool allows advertising to effectively reach people interested in the products or services offered.

    Likewise, there are other benefits that a digital marketing strategy generates for SMEs, such as: 

    • Greater presence and universality: Having a presence on the Internet allows you to have a diverse and universal audience. You can have clients from all over the world who are interested in buying your products and services.
    • 24-hour availability: Being online allows you to be available 24 hours a day. This will give you the possibility of generating more purchases without having to have your physical store open. 
    • Better defined target audience: Opting for digital strategies will allow you to have a better understanding of your target audience. This will allow you to know more clearly how to communicate and sell your products to your customers. 

    What is an SME?

    The acronym “SME” stands for “Small and Medium-sized Enterprise”. According to Oxford Languages , SME refers to a “small or medium-sized enterprise in terms of revenue volume, value of assets and number of employees”. 

    Each country determines, under its own terms and laws, what it considers an SME and the amount of annual income they must receive to be considered as such. However, as a general rule, SMEs are universally known as smaller companies. 

    How many employees does an SME have?

    Knowing how many employees a SME has is a common question that users ask. According to the SME statute , a small company has 10 to 49 employees and medium-sized companies have 50 to 199 employees.

    Digital Marketing Agency for SMEs

    If you need support for your marketing, development, maintenance and/or website positioning, you can contact us . We are at your service to make your company a reference in the digital world.