Home » Difference between Outsourcing and Body Shop

Difference between Outsourcing and Body Shop

Outsourcing is, in fact, outsourcing, while Body Shop is about allocating professionals with the necessary expertise to the company. In Outsourcing, the entire scope of work is defin before outsourcing.

At Body Shop, it  as if the professional was  the company, without any employment relationship, that  the bureaucratic part of charges and paperwork. He  alloca and managed exclusively by the client throughout the entire period of employment.

To summarize then, we have:

Outsourcing: is the process of hiring a company to perform a specific function, in which the entire scope of work is defined in a contract. These are usually services that are necessary for the functioning of the institution, but that the contracting party does not have the knowledge or infrastructure to perform.

Body Shop: is the allocation of the IT professional in which the contracting company can manage him as it prefers for a certain period, integrating him with the IT team.

Advantages of the Body Shop
With so many constant updates, companies need to consider their IT needs and resources to remain competitive and grow their business. Some of the main advantages include:

Zero training costs
A specialist professional iran phone number data allocat to the organization, you will not to spend money on training or education.

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Reduces hiring costs and burdens

Hiring an employee takes time and involves a lot of labor costs, both for admission, retention and even local Advertising methods – h1ad articles dismissal. In addition to the costs saved, the Body Shop solution also reduces the workload of the company’s Human Resources department.

Greater flexibility
By not having a pre-defined scope of work cg leads in the contract, the Body Shop also offers greater flexibility, as the professional can work in one sector today and move to another operation tomorrow.

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