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E-mail marketing regulation – What should the marketer take into account

Marketer, can you say that you are fully  about the regulation of electronic direct marketing? If your answer was an uncertain “maybe” or a direct “no” , don’t worry – this blog was written just for you. We will go through the regulation  to e-mail marketing in particular. And I will direct you to the right addresses to read more about the important topics. Please note, however, that this blog text is not an official legal text.  But a summary of the topic and where you should go if you want even more detailed information.

How is the use of personal data and data protection regulated in Finland?

Instructions and rules for data protection and electronic direct marketing do not only come from one address but are  by for example. The EU-wide data protection regulation GDPR, which as such is valid in every EU member state. In addition to this, the current e Privacy directive has been guiding the legislation to be  in Finland.

However, the EU is in the process of reforming e Privacy by updating its contents and changing its form into a regulation, with bulk email marketing services which it would enter into force as such here in Finland as well. In addition, Finnish internal laws determine the use of personal data. Let’s delve into these in a little more detail next.

Privacy Directive and the upcoming e Privacy Regulation


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The old e Privacy directive is from 2002 and is therefore in dire need of an update. However, the directive has been an important partner for the GDPR, as e Privacy regulates electronic communications such as cookies, data storage and e-mail marketing in more detail, which are not addressd in the GDPR. This e Privacy  this is due to the ease directive has servd as a guideline for Finnish data protection laws. However, the old e Privacy is undergoing a transformation, which would significantly improve the privacy protection of individuals in digital environments.

Email marketing rules

Now that the regulation of electronic direct marketing has been primd, we can jump into how these. Laws are interpretd and what it would be good for a marketer to know about e-mail marketing in particular. Personal data registers and their  requirements are strongly linkd to e-mail marketing , because e-mail marketing crawler data cannot be done without an e-mail list. So that you can happily send newsletters or send targeted messages using marketing automation, make sure that the following requirements related to personal data registers are met.