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Employee motivation tools

Only with a cash machine will you turn strangers into your friends, and your friends into your loyal customers. Only if you are properly prepar, you will be able to ensure the purchase of your company’s goods online. And only your attitude and serious work will allow you not to be lazy and not to delay important work and to carry out the entire online marketing process correctly.

You have your money machine, you just ne to start it

It will work for a long time and women phone numbers successfully if all its mechanisms are properly prepar and adapt, but as you well understand, it takes time, effort and, of course, most importantly, knowlge. Every employer is interest in their employees working for the benefit of the organization, but some of them lack motivation.

special data

There are many tools that increase motivation

So this subsection provides a classification of them. In the scientific literature, social, economic, monetary, legal, psychological means understand what performance media are of motivating employees are distinguish . However, such a classification is rather confusing and one and the same means often fall into several groups at the same time. Bas on the material expression of the means, it is propos to group motivational means into material and moral (psychological) ones.

If material measures are really tangible and can be express in monetary value

Then moral measures have a psychological powder data effect that is difficult to calculate. As A. Valionienė (2002) states, “Lithuanian residents primarily consider work important as a source of income and other forms of reward” (Valionienė, 2002, p. 21. The author emphasizes that this trend is only getting stronger in Lithuania, while in the develop countries of Western Europe (Great Britain, France, Denmark, Norway and Swen) the importance of a good salary for work is decreasing, as the importance of opportunities for personality development and self-expression is increasing.