Analysis of web indexing indicators in search engines, the ability to check for the presence/absence of viruses and sanctions. The paid version provides comparative analysis, verification of codes when servers respond, spe metrics for 60 resources. UpTrends The tool provides locations in America, Australia, Asia, Europe for testing. It allows you to specify the monitor size, connection option, and also get spe indicators not only for the desktop, but also on a mobile phone, tablet.
The service can provide regular project monitoring on a paid basis
GTmetrix Easy-to-use, simple tool that checks the resource’s operation in seconds. Thanks to the sav history, it is possible to observe the effectiveness gambling data japan of optimization. The service offers recommendations for correcting various errors: optimization of illustrations/pictures, use of JavaScript, etc. Pingdom Tools The program makes a comprehensive analysis of the site’s performance factors, including its loading spe . The evaluation is in milliseconds, after which the user is offer a number of recommendations.
A meticulous approach to time indicators allows you
To analyze the project’s work and its interaction with visitors in detail. The results table contains data on requests to the server: images, commands, scripts. This helps determine what slows down performance. Google PageSpe visualize different segments Insights The service, which determines the time it takes to open a page on mobile gadgets and PCs, provides advice on code optimization. Lighthouse technology allows you to simulate loading, and additionally provides data on how the “test” page load for third-party users.
Conclusion The battle for the spe of an online platform
Is an important aspect for promoting a business powder data on the Internet, but do not discount high-quality, unique content. Whatever happens, the page opens quickly, but there is practically nothing to see there. A long response will negatively affect traffic, a project monetiz by advertising may lose some of its profits. It is necessary to take into account the availability of additional services.