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Her channel, and then it

Calculations are ne, but it is enough to do them “on the knee”: calculate the basic financial model bas on regular expenses and approximate customer flow. The business plan did not help me at all – it caus more irritation. Even for finding partners, the human factor is more important: personality, similar views on business.

On life and how interesting the project is

Two investors said that the name didn’t resonate with them and that not everyone would like it. But that’s the point. I didn’t have the goal of conquering all of Russia, although statistics show that I succe. Anna Chernavina, founder of the Moi Pёs Duke salon Are you talking about the news about the opening? Yes, we got so much hype.

My friend Masha post us on spread all over the Internet

I didn’t expect that at all. Sometimes people ask how much we paid for it we’re shock, but not at all. The posts then discuss the paytm database name and wrote: “It was worth paying the marketers,” but you came up with the name. How did it come about?


special data


I once jokingly told this to a friend

I realiz: it sounds good! And you can read it in different ways. I was even inspir: such a social experiment. How do people react to the name? They still take pictures with the facade. I thought that everyone would get tir of it in a week, but messaging platform that allows everyone laughs, takes pictures of babies under the sign with their hands rais, and takes pictures of themselves.

Recently a man wrote us a story:

He is a visitor, ask some girl to take a picture of him under our sign. They are getting marri in a month. – Then they will take a photo of the child there. He promis to return with the dog. Was there any negativity from people? Of course, there were those usa data who were offend. But one of our values ​​is honesty. The guys in my circle call their pets the same way no one gets offend.