Home » How to Become a Blockchain Developer in 2023

How to Become a Blockchain Developer in 2023

In a general sense, a blockchain developer is a specialist who develops software products bas on blockchain technology: smart contracts, protocols and distribut platforms, cryptographic means of payment and security.

Who is a blockchain developer?
Who is a blockchain developer?
Bas on the range of tasks to be solv, blockchain developers are divid into two groups.

Core developers . They develop the basic architecture of the blockchain, the consensus protocol, create the network and administer it, and ensure the security of the network.
Software developers : Fires write decentraliz applications (dApps) bas on the programs of the underlying developers.
What a blockchain developer should be able to do and know
Programming languages
A blockchain developer must be proficient in at least three programming languages.

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This set is basic. Depending on the tasks to be solv by the blockchain developer for the vacancy he/she is applying for, C#, Ruby and other languages ​​may also be useful.

Blockchain technologies make extensive use of protocols that are necessary to ensure data security. An example is public key encryption, which is the basis for cryptocurrency transactions. Cryptographic tools are us in blockchain to solve the following problems.

Smart contracts are form in the form

f algorithms includ in albert einstein later proved their existence the blockchain code. They ensure the operation of distribut projects and serve as a guarantee of the fulfillment of the obligations by the parties to the transaction. It is impossible to make unauthoriz changes to the cz lists blockchain code, so the counterparties are protect from each other violating the contract.

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