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Max Pezzali e J-AX Insieme a Riccione

Riccione celebrates the 90th anniversary of the Municipality with a big summer party together with the friends of Radio Deejay, who for the occasion organized a concert in Piazzale Roma on August 18.

In reality on August 18 there

Will be a triple celebration: in china phone number library addition to the ninety years of the municipality of Riccione, in fact, the thirty years of Radio Deejay will be celebrated and the twenty years of one of the most important records of the nineties, “they killed The spider man ”, of the 883.

All together, Riccione with its history and institutions; Radio Deejay with Linus and the voices that every day keep company with many listeners and Max Pezzali, icon of pop music of the nineties, together with another timeless artist, rapper J-Ax, “fraternal” friend of Pezzali, on stage For an evening of pure music and fun.

Max Pezzali together

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With the best Italian rappers, has rejuvenated and re -attributed that album that twenty years ago started the career of the 883 and which marked an entire generation. It was 1992 when a young Italian duo formed by Max Pezzali and Mauro Reptpected scaled the rankings with a truly original album: “They killed the spider man”, who opened a passage for Italian music, entering the hearts of all those That at the beginning of the nineties were teenagers.

A particular disc

Difficult to place in a genre – despite pillar for success the psychology of emotions a clear pop approach – which ferried Italy in a new musical era. The 883 were almost the only musical reality in which the daily word was central, while generally more space was given to interpretation.

Like the 883 the rappers

Speak the language of the periphery, which, however small, for many guys it is the universe, even if from there they would like to escape. And it is in fact one of the most acclaimed Italian rappers, J-Ax, who in the 2012 version of “killed the spider man” sang the unpublished “always we” together with Pezzali.Max Pezzali e J-AX Insieme a Riccione.

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Tags: concerts, common news of Riccione
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