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Periodic: combining work from home and from the office.

Remote work is a format in which an employee works from home using various communication channels: the Internet, telephony. This term is synonymous with remote work, and this phenomenon is becoming more and more common.

What to pay attention to? Regardless of whether you work rem phone number library otely for yourself or on staff, it is important to adhere to a number of rules: follow the regime, do not forget about rest, maintain contacts with colleagues.

The essence of remote work

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The remote work format was legally enshrin in Feral Law No. 407-FZ of 08.12.2020, which enter into force on 01.01.2021. New orms appear in the Labor Code of the Russian Feration and some rules regarding remote work were record (which were actually already appli, but were not previously reflect in the documents).

The essence of remote work
The essence of remote work
The term “remote work” has not chang its meaning: it is still the same work activity through any means of communication (Internet, telephone, etc.). The employee’s location is not ti to the location of the employer (including its branches and controll territories) and is not stationary at all.

From 2022, the status of remote worker is assign to those who:

enter into an employment contract with the employer while being a new employee;
sign an additional agreement to an existing employment contract (if the transition to remote wo uk data  rk was discuss with the employer);

was urgently transferr to a remote format at


the initiative of the employer (see Article 312.9 of the Labor C understand what it is and how it impacts your website’s seo ode of the Russian Feration), which was reflect in the loca ization.
Permanent: the format does not change for the entire duration of the employment contract.
Temporary: distance ng for a limit period (up to six months).