Czech is very rich. Inde, it is not an empty phrase. In many areas, it overflows with wonderful terms that many other languages can only envy.
Let’s compare, for example, the bloodless English brother-in-law, daughter-in-law or father-in-law with the Czech brother-in-law, daughter-in-law and father-in-law.
I feel very sorry that many beautiful
Czech words are slowly falling out of use. Of course, this is a natural process. Just as we accept new words due to the influence of surrounding. languages and the development of technology (hardware, sexting, spectacular, etc. Words naming phenomena and historical objects are taken from our mouths. Definitively only to the gray pages of dictionaries. One to cry – words like boat, ducat or rapier have serv. Us well for centuries, and now they simply decorate the figurative language museum. Other words take on completely new meanings over time, while the original ones are forgotten. A hundr years ago, for example, everyone would have understood the sentence “It gives fitness, but it has diets”, but today both “fitness” and “diets” are us in a completely different sense.
Perhaps a greater pity is that sometimes the diversity of the language is lost by forgetting synonyms. Nowadays, people mostly just russia phone number data get sick, or the best thing is to get sick, but who today still says or writes that they have become sick, that they have become ill or that they have become infirm?
Al this is a natural development
and I know that there is no point in barking, crying, whining, lamenting, crying, lamenting, complaining accept the good intentions of others or shding tears (I can do it, right?) at a monument of expressions from the past. The core of my reasoning is suppos to be something else: Inde, in its richness, Czech offers us names for many phenomena and objects with which we come into contact in everyday life, but a lot of such names are lost not only from the active, but also from the by lists passive vocabulary, especially younger generation. And at the same time, these are mostly expressions that have no simple synonym and we simply have to use.