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Snow, Social Media Trends 2011 and Bunnies

On the day that early snow came to Bristol, the GWS Bristol Unique Guide App for iPhone / iPod Touch went live.

We’ve already talked quite a lot about that this week, so see our earlier.

Blog post for information on what it is, and watch out for another.

Post about why your business might consider developing an App – coming soon!

Just a couple of hours after this

the GWS offices were briefly plunged into darkness by a power cut that affected part of central Bristol.

We made the best of it, by toasting our App with some lebanon phone number data champagne – luckily we could all still see each other in the dark!

mobile phone number library

Here is the news and stories we’ve been looking at this week, heralded by a picture of snow in Queen Square:

For businesses using social media

Now it’s December, everyone is starting their 2011 lists. Here is an interesting slideshow of social media marketing trends.
And another article on how social media trends are impacting businesses.
Drew Hawkins discusses the importance of listening in social media – and why changing the conversation, by using social media (what people are saying about you, and what you are saying to people) can help companies with negative feedback.
A look inside Chris Borgan’s Twitter toolbox – with an interesting emphasis on using search in Twitter. Is that something you make use of? Please share your experiences with us in the comments below.
A great blog resource, pointed out by @AdamVincenzini A social media database from Cision. Literally something for everyone, from top wine blogs to top library blogs.

Art & Design:
Books, available for free download? Click here. A nice looking site, as dmarc works by checking two other email featured on D-Lists, but we thought more attention could have been paid to the book text – guess it’s been primarily designed for iPad / iPhone users, hence the massive and unjustified text.
Incredible what some people get up to – this week @swissmiss featured saudi data a bicycle drawing machine, here for your viewing pleasure.