The June update paved the way for Telegram apps , helping creators monetize their channels with paid photos and videos, introducing search by hashtag or location, and a new widget or link in Stories. Starting today, app developers and creators can use the stars they earn to earn Ton Coin rewards. Or buy Telegram ads at special discounts. What is Telegram Mini? Today, over 500 million Telegram users interact with Telegram apps every month to buy products, access services, and play games. You can see the apps in the bottom bar of your Telegram page. This allows you to reply to messages or access other applets you have running and then return to the applet you previously opened without waiting for it to reload.
What are Telegram stars?
Hundreds of millions of users singapore telegram data use Telegram bots and mini apps every month. They buy digital assets, get services, and play games. And now, Telegram ’s latest update allows these bots and mini apps to offer digital goods and services, too. Selling physical products with paid links or Telegram channels and monetizing Telegram through these bots and apps is nothing new for businesses, but now they can also offer digital products. This means that everything from e-books to online courses and even gaming items can be sold directly on Telegram .
Telegram Stars now allows
You to pay only stars and not money for all these digital products. You can earn these stars through Apple, Google or Premium Bot and then buy whatever you want digitally with them. These stars are well-aligned with Apple and Google’s rules, so developers and users have easier access to in-app purchases right from their phones. Additionally, developers will soon be able to exchange their stars for Fragment Ton.
If you purchase physical goods,
This is an old way of paying how to create a payment calendar with Telegram . Fast and easy payments Now more types of businesses can join Telegram and reach 900 million customers. Telegram is planning to add more features like free gifts for content creators. How does Telegram Stars work? You create a bot that offers digital goods and services to Telegram users . Business bots can send billing messages in a specific format to users, groups, or channels. To do this, you can use Telegram Premium or Telegram Business. If your bot supports online mode, users can also send invoices through the bot to other conversations, including one-on-one chats with other users.
Invoice messages contain images
And descriptions of the products thailand data as well as a payment button. Clicking this button will open a special payment interface in the Telegram app . Since your bot sells digital goods and services, all transactions on Telegram Stars must be made using the Maximum Currency Token (XTR). Users can purchase Telegram Stars through standard in-app purchases from Apple and Google or through Premium Bot and then use them to purchase digital goods and services.nd does not require entering
Paying expenses via Telegram Stars
The Telegram Stars app was launched last month to purchase digital products on the Telegram app . Now, creators can earn stars by posting paid photos or videos on their channels. Subscribers will only be able to see such posts after paying the author to unlock the featured posts. Rewards for content creators and developers Bot developers who offer digital goods and services and creators who monetize their channels through paid posts can now use the Telegram Stars they earn to earn rewards in Toncoins or buy Telegram Ads . Telegram charges almost no fees for Star transactions, so only taxes and payment system fees apply.