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The most important part the form

Form fields should be proportional to the offer. You should make sure you always ask for the right information. Although short forms convert better, if you offer, for example, a free trial, the information you ask for can be more detail. It is worth noting that when asking for a phone number, the user will be more hesitant to give it if they are in the early stages of the Buyer’s Journey. With HubSpot, you can use Smart Forms to collect contacts that are looking for information again.


You should also keep in mind


That not all leads that fill out the form will convert, which is why it is necessary to classify them. A marketing qualifi lead (MQL) is a sales opportunity that can be convert thanks. To a strategy from your engineer database marketing department, while a sales qualifi lead (SQL) is a sales opportunity that must be attend to by the sales department and is a lead that is almost ready to complete the purchase.


7. Testimonials

For 88% of users, finding reviews or testimonials on a landing page is synonymous with trust. As we have already mention, in the B2B sector users are more inform, so adding a short quote from a client who has already purchas our product or service can be the last push they ne to decide to fill out the form.

Remember that one of the basic principles of Inbound murphy’s laws of advertising Marketing is to establish. A relationship of trust with the client and sharing with them the experience of other clients is proof of transparency.

8. A/B Testing

A/B testing consists of creating two or more versions of our yeezys shoes landing page. To do this, we can choose variations in the modules, design, form, CTA. Add a case study to one and not to the other, etc. This will give us the advantage of testing what our audience likes best and fine-tuning the conversion strategy in the B2B sector. In fact, A/B testing is one of the most popular methods for conversion optimization and is us by 56% of marketing experts . Don’t hesitate to be part of that percentage!

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