Home » The post-COVID-19 world: What will happen

The post-COVID-19 world: What will happen

There is an expectation regarding consumers and their behavior during this pandemic. It is assum that after confinement, they will have adopt online shopping as a habit already establish in their lives and online commerce platforms, b2b websites, linkin, which were already an increasingly important channel in contact with the customer, together with the definition of their experience and the purchase of products or quotes for services, will now have an expressive presence in the total sales of companies. The world to come is increasingly digital and therefore industrial ecommerce is here to stay.

Trade is in a period of express maturation


Therefore purchases during confinement have increas and b2b companies have been forc to modernize and promote digital businesses, online sales and distributors are doing everything possible to respond at an appropriate and efficient pace. 

This boost that e-commerce is having, even in b2b companies, is explain in the first instance by its convenience, the restrictions on thailand phone number library going out and of course, the fear of contagion. The coronavirus crisis chang the world and without a doubt, one of the most affect sectors is e-commerce, which has only been the victim of positive changes so far.

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The impacts of this pandemic and the measures


To prevent its spread put us in a unique and challenging situation from multiple points of view and we must provide a rapid response to address the unexpect and unknown inconveniences brought by the health emergency in the complete guide to using google’s local guide feature for your business world. What’s more, it is expect that most of the habits incorporat by the consumer during this period – such as online shopping – will endure and survive confinement to become part of the daily practices of the post-Coronavirus world. 

In order to understand and adapt to this new market, at


Eglobal we support our collaborators at all points of contact with consumers: website, LinkIn, and mailing, allowing them to implement cz leads comprehensive B2B digital marketing strategies to establish new relationships with their clients. But most importantly: we get involv, we promote their digitalization and we are part of their challenges. We always want to move forward together with the world. 

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