Home » Tricks to add extras to the curved screen of your mobile

Tricks to add extras to the curved screen of your mobile

Nowadays we have seen how the trend of curv screens in high-end mobile phones plays an increasingly less important role, although it continues to be a great ally in the aesthetics and functionality of the smartphone. To this we must add that we are increasingly seeing mobile devices with larger panels and very small frames. In this way, a better and more striking visual appearance is achiev and a more premium feeling of the device to the touch of our hands.

Adjust the ges of the curv screen

With the arrival of larger and more curvpanels, most smartphone manufacturers introduc an option within their settings so that we could be able to adapt the apps to the different aspect ratios . And the best thing of all is that it is very easy to modify, we will only have to follow the following steps:

And although you can do it from the settings we just mention, it may happen that when starting any application that has not been optimiz, a warning appears asking you to adjust the application to full size. Once you click on this message, the scaling will be done from the e V  iran telegram data xecution of the app.

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Full screen apps

In case the previous option of varying the size of the content of do you need to reset your mobile?  the applications still looks bad or does not have the effect we expect, the truth is that we can always try to force the density of the curv panel of our mobile device. With this simple action we will get the co cg leadsntent we see on the screen to be larger or smaller.

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