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We share firsthand accounts from employees at

In this guide,  all levels of government who are using analytics to identify critical problems and find solutions. Download the full guide here. Government agencies have begun collecting and analyzing increasing amounts of data with the goal of improving decision-making and ultimately the lives of citizens.

While many agencies have made great

Others find themselves with a mountain of data and unsure how to make sense out of it. To better understand how government organizations can improve the way they analyze data, GovLoop spoke with Rado Kotorov, Vice President of Marketing Strategy and Chief Innovation Officer at Information Builders, a leader in enterprise business intelligence, integration, and data integrity software.

Kotorov said one of the biggest data issues

Facing government is that leaders are unsure how to make the vast and growing amounts of data useful. Kotorov explained that the life cycle of overseas chinese in canada data data begins with raw data, which is then transformed into insights that drive action. But that’s not what many agencies are doing.

special data

In government, what you primarily see

That many data sources are just published as raw material,” he explained. Compared to the private sector, few government agencies are working to what is the function of viral marketing? turn raw data into insights. This is problematic because employees must spend a lot of time digging into the data and making it usable. Additionally, end users often analyze data that is not connected to a server or cloud platform. This creates problems for analytics because end users can only analyze the data they have on hand or locally.

Server disconnection often results in incomplete

analysis because the data is partially available. Mobile tg data solutions are one way to overcome these challenges. “Mobile is driving the shift from gut-based to fact-based decision making, so making analytics easy and accessible will drive the use of data and analytics in decision making,” Kotorov said. Turning to mobile solutions to give frontline employees quick access to accurate information is critical to making the right decisions in the field.

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