Home » Benchmarking: how to do it and why it’s important

Benchmarking: how to do it and why it’s important

The acronym KPI comes from the English (Key Performance Indicator) and means key performance indicator in Portuguese. These little words can greatly help companies develop techniques to attract new customers and increase their profits, without wasting time on bureaucratic processes that require more resources.
KPIs help companies, teams and managers make better decisions, and can be measured by percentages and numbers. There are several types of KPIs, so it is important to identify which ones best fit each process.

A simplification of the benefit it brings to the company.  that if it is us in numbers, it can the number of people who access. The company’s website in the last few weeks, days or months, this depends on the need to collect information.

In percentage terms, it can  measur

According to the number of sales the company.  Of a specific product and the amount of time it wants to collect this information. For example, in One month, it is possible to know how many metal structures. The company sold and whether was an increase in this percentage compared to the last few months.

How to use KPIs to increase your company’s results

The KPI technique can   to obtain better results, guiding companies in the desired direction. Using them can make strategic planning more specific and with the right direction, since it provides an excellent basis of information that helps in decision-making and makes it more assertive. The solidity that peer data brings is also of great value, facilitating the elimination of possible future errors in the organization’s processes and avoiding expenses with rework.

Its performance brings advantages when the objective is to identify points of improvement that areas or russia phone number data processes need to have and to better and satisfactorily organize the results you intend to achieve, improving the productivity of your business.

phone number data

But what are the existing KPIs and how to use them?

The acronym KPI comes fromEnglish (Key Performance Indicator) and means key performance this is usually the head of the company indicator, in Portuguese.

The first option is important for bw lists the objective that your company intends to achieve, as it indicates, through data, whether or not these strategic actions are directing you towards the intended path.

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