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How time passed with the SK domain and its problems – continued

Campaigns is outrWe recently inform you about the difficulties. Of the national domain administrator SK-NIC , as, with the launch of. A new system for registrars and the introduction of new SK domain registration rules. SK-NIC’s approach and its ability to manage the .sk domain shake the confidence of many registrars. The independent project NašaDoména.sk , which strives to return the SK domain to people, also speaks of this wild situation . Why?

If you are interest in the turbulent

Definitely worth a lookIn the approach to the selection of security measures, the amendment to the Act on Cybersecurity is clearer, as it precisely sets out a specific list of security measures that every company to which the ZKB applies must adopt. This concerns, for example, the protection of access to the network, ensuring the safe login of its users, the use of encryption technologies, regular monitoring, etc. With the European GDPR regulation, the approach is bas on an individual risk assessment. This means that it is up to each data administrator to evaluate for himself how much. Personal data he processes, what value this data has not only for him. But also for potential taiwan phone number data attackers, how extensive are the systems in which he processes data, how many users he has in these systems access and how vulnerable individual systems are. Bas on the initial analysis, everyone evaluates specific risks and takes adequate.

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Effectively (obligation to

Report incidents how to connect your domain and install in a timely manner), 2) the ne to pay more attention and resources to cyber and information security.
We perceive big differences between the bw lists meaning and content of the two pieces of legislation, and the goal of protection and the approach to the selection of security measures are particularly worth noting.